Friday, September 5, 2008

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4. Shaking his head and buttocks balance dissolve the fire of the heart.
We go to the left and bend your knees to take the position of a rider. Put your hands in the hollow of the English, thumbs backward. Bend the trunk forward to the horizontal. The back must be straight. (Inhale) the trunk describes an arc of a circle to the left, while the body weight load on the left leg remains flexed, while the right stretches, the right shoulder turns back to stretch the whole right side, left arm remains bent and the right stretch while the right hand rises somewhat. The head, trunk and right leg are online, the view looks to the right toe, but the head is tilted. Maintain the position for a moment. (Breathe) We return to the center to repeat the same exercise to the other side. As you inhale, the lung on the side corresponding to the bent leg absorbs the "fire of the heart." When exhaling, the fire and cooled by the lungs is expelled to the outside. This exercise "reduces the yang and nourishing yin, calms the body and spirit. Suitable for states of stress.


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