Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ucla Supplemental Application Email


2. Pointing to a distant eagle invigorates the waist and kidneys. We go to the left and bend your knees to take the position of a rider. Keep right upper body, thighs parallel to floor. Rotated pelvis, spine stays straight, without bending the lumbar vertebrae. Knees must not go beyond the toes, otherwise we can do us harm. Inhale and bend both arms to the body at chest level, right on the outside. Extend the index finger and thumb of his left hand and close the other fingers. Pushed to the left with your left hand and raise your right elbow to the right; keep our eyes fixed on the left hand and right elbow to shoulder height. The right hand bend the bow. The look through the index pointing into the distance. Just turn the neck and head. The torso remains facing front. The waist does not turn. The movements of the body parts must be coordinated and have a certain symmetry. (Breath) We return to the center, arms crossed, but this time the left forearm on the outside. At the same time raise your knees to almost stretch. We continue with the exercise right, symmetrically. Chain multiple repetitions on the left and right. This exercise improves breathing and circulatory functions. By the movement of arms and index finger extension, the exercise invigorating the meridians of the lungs and large intestine. Invigorate the kidney Qi and special dai mai meridian passing through the ming men.


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