Thursday, September 4, 2008

Skates Sharpeners For Sale

5. · Back look back prevents five weaknesses and wounds seven.
We start from the initial position, Wu Chi to which we returned after last year. (Breathe) Without turning the waist or chest, head back to the left as we can, then, when we reached the limit of cervical rotation, the long column with throwing left shoulder back, but without the pelvis accompany that movement. We ended up with a slight rotation of the hips to the left to allow the light is directed backward. The head has swiveled perfectly vertical, the horizontal gaze turns toward the infinite, and described a precise angle of 180 º (exhale). Return slowly to starting position, the eyes always following in front of the motion, it shall be in first rectifying the pelvis, then the shoulders and finally the neck. We exercise the same right. In the initial position during inhalation and the concentration is fixed at dantien. As we become breathe the air and the concentration goes from dantien the hui yin and then the yong quan. The Spirit leads the Qi. Qi dantien derive ground in order to remove the contaminated qi five weaknesses (diseases of the five organs: liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys affected by climatic wind energy, heat, humidity, dryness or cold, or dietary tastes sour, bitter, sweet, spicy or salty) and the five wounds (the seven basic emotions: anger, excessive joy, sorrow, sadness, despair, fear and panic).


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