Saturday, September 6, 2008

Santa Barbara Brazillian Wax

3. Their hands off regulating the spleen and stomach We start from the initial position, Wu Chi. (Inhale) We place the hands, parallel to the height of the stomach in front of us. Palms facing. (Exhale) Separate hands: one rises above the head, palm up, fingers pointing toward the opposite shoulder, the other down, palm facing down to left arm at side, palm facing the front. We lift our gaze to the hand that is above your head. (Inhale) put their hands back to the height of the stomach, but reversing the position of the first, to separate the exhale changing the position symmetrical. We feel that hands push something that offers some resistance, but without putting excessive strain muscles. This exercise regulates the Qi of the stomach, pancreas and spleen. Decreases stomach yang and yin of the spleen increases. Improves digestion, transit and circulation.


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