Monday, April 18, 2011

Where To Buy A Bath Mat With No Suctioncups

Reflections on Wu De: "smart" and "capable"

There are people who show their intelligence sharing with others, the product of his reflection, his search of work.
And there are other "smart" are the ones who
to demonstrate their intelligence, need another read, or do, something stupid.
are the ones who always start their intelligent overflow from some Freudian slip, or some other nonsense.
For me, the intelligence would be in intensive care, whether to come to light necessary always an idiot (or what the intelligent considered an idiot).
but if you look, where you look, you see this kind of being "smart." A scavenger bird species, which is expected someone falling to emerge smart.


In the Martial Arts, this kind of attitude is often - more than it would be desirable - for the knowledge and skill.

Very few people who weigh the benefits of their systems (combat, training, qigong, of whatever) without using reference to the incompetence, ignorance or misconduct of others.

many times have we read, heard ...

"... many are saying Qi Gong practice but very few who truly have agreed to knowledge true, beware of malpractice etc etc etc"

"... Most of kung fu schools are limited to practicing routines empty, without content Martial (bla bla bla) only those who know the true meaning of the movements (bla bla bla)."

"... Our teacher / school / institution is the only one that truly represents the Master that, unlike others (bla blabla ...) but whose career (bla bla bla) so only superficially learned (bla bla bla) "

" Many people travel to China merely to take a picture with a teacher, not like us (bla bla bla) "

" Of all the students in a teacher, Ours is the only gained access to the true teachings, (bla bla bla) "

Sutil or ostensibly, the reference is always pondering a virtue from the failures of other . Often, the deals under a Simply put, while lacking the same occupy an entire paragraph. The flooding, the difference, asymmetry clearly shows that what is sought is to rely on the failed acts, or limitation alleged ignorance of others.

In my opinion, this is not something "innocuous" or something casual, or something that we should not pay attention.

who wish to communicate an idea, build a position, even to demonstrate knowledge should - I think - be smart enough, capable and above all, ethical, in order to communicate, promote or defend its value without belittling anyone.

Of course he has no intentions to do the "trick" to exploit the ignorance of others to move up a step, sometimes you may need, or believe relevant warning about negative things. is not "always" is wrong ... this is not meant to condemn any attitude, I just would like for us to reflect a little.

As practitioners, when we say "our art is good, or always say that" cash is not like the other "or" is better than another? "

When we talk of our teacher "often speak of their virtues or spend much time talking about how bad we are the other teachers?

As teachers declare "the benefits of our school, and we spent half the time to warn others that the environment is full of fakes and mediocre?

Eye ... as in everything, a little is good.

But if your teacher, colleague, friend ... always starts from a critical, something is very wrong.

I think at this time without escorts for caravans, or battles between schools, this time when the martial artist does not help the police fight crime ... in this modern age, ethics and personal growth (factors inherent in martial arts) should not be absent, even when the exponent is a star or an accomplished martial. Be very good or do not know much excluded from the rule of respecting others.

is at least something to think about. Greetings

Prof. Horacio Di Renzo


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