Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Beautiful Agony Forumophilia

Holy Thursday: the washing of the feet.

The Eternal Word, the Son of God, sitting on top of heaven, move, rules and governs all that is more sublime and more vile, more powerful and weaker, stronger and thinner, either in heaven or under the earth or the earth adheres to a towel and knelt to the plants of twelve men, idiots, the low rabble, the poor and rude people, wash their feet, gets up, sits back down on the table and says, "I came not to be served, but to be your servant. You know perhaps what I do? You call me Master, Lord, I am indeed. If I, being your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet, I have given an example to do what you have seen me do. "

School of Virtue, tomorrow at three o'clock in the afternoon in point begin as the role of the sink under the order and según las ceremonias prescritas por la Iglesia; cantado el Evangelio, el director de la Escuela, ceñido de una toalla, lavará los pies a los doce representantes de las doce jerarquías, a las que están agregados en coros todos los alumnos. A este acto seguirá el sermón sobre la cena, que predicará el mismo que ha lavado los pies a sus alumnos. El director de la Escuela. Francisco Palau, pbro. (Escritos p. 1434).


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