Saturday, April 30, 2011

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May 2 May 1 April 30

Sunday 1 May 1853

Practice of religion
religion look like virtue, belongs to his master, justice. It consists of half ..: Giving God .. worship prescribed by law. School abhors superstition and fanaticism. Also the wickedness and irreligion. Therefore will know the environment, the road and avoid the pitfalls "concludes decided, Palau.

Published in the Diario de Barcelona and   Áncora

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Kien Shih was famous in the West for his role as villain in the Dragon, starring Bruce Lee , fighting both in the Hall of Mirrors is unforgettable. But the race Shih Kien is extensive, with over 100 movies since the beginning of the movie Kung Fu in China.
The actor was over the age represented in the Dragon, was even doubled in some scenes because of his age, even in his youth had been an expert in several styles of Kung Fu . Meet
career biography and Kien Shih in:

Friday, April 29, 2011

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Enjoy the videos of the movie Bangkok Adrenaline .

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Barcelona, 30 abril, 1868.                                                                                               

A D. Mariano Valls, párroco de Aitona (Lérida).

El obispo obligó al párroco a prohibir a Palau el ejercicio de cualquier servicio ministerial y a exigirle salir inmediatamente de la diócesis. Más tarde, el párroco envió a Palau -a hurtadillas- una copia del oficio del obispo. Palau rechaza su validez y pide el original o una copia legalizada. Es que no le gustan los embrollos.

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Read the biography and career of actor Dick Wei martial in:

Thursday, April 28, 2011

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Find the biography and career of renowned actor Gordon Liu martial in:

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Abril 29 de 1869                                                                                

Cada cual interpreta los sucesos a su manera. El Ermitaño, al contemplar la actual situación socio-política del pueblo, la expone teniendo en cuenta todas sus dimensiones. Hoy se pregunta quién ocupará el trono de España. Cada colectivo opina según la filosofía que le guía. En España no habrá paz mientras su trono no se halle vinculado a Jesucristo y su Iglesia.

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Find the biography and career of actor Wu Jing in:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

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Mark Strange is a specialist in various martial arts has worked on several occasions in the movies martial continues in it.
Read the biography and career of Mark Strange in:

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April 29 April 27 April 28

Aitona, 28 abril, 1871.                                                                                                

A Magdalena Calafell, Graus.

Le directs this note. As failure to visit the given word before Easter exposes you why: An emergency forces me to return today to Barcelona. postponed the visit but I promise to appear before the Ascension Graus.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

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Enjoy these videos of the actor Martial Taekwondo specialist, Bren Foster .
know his biography and career:

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April 27, 1871 ; ; ;

The Hermit is a poet, singer. Today gives us a beautiful view of the whole existence. It invites us to savor the beauty, wherever you are. According to him, the beauty rises ... to identify with the spirit. God gave it to humans, a flash of her own happiness. Let yourselves be filled with the beauty -Palau advises us. You see, with the eyes of the soul and through it, a principle of simple and eternal spiritual life .

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Phillip Rhee is a renowned actor and martial artist, son of Master Jon Rhee Taekwondo , a pioneer in this art in America. Phillip is the brother of actor Simon Rhee martial with whom he has worked on such films as Best of the Best.
Read the biography of Phillip Rhee in:

Monday, April 25, 2011

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Enjoy the videos of the Master of filipino Arnis, Remy Presas , one of the greatest exponents of the FMA .

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Barcelona, \u200b\u200bApril - May 1863. ; ; ; ;

A D. Mariano Puigllat Amigo, bishop of Lérida.

Bishop opposed Palau preached in his diocese. He writes, not to demand an explanation but, to facilitate communication in case you have something against him. This attempt corrected. Bishop, I preach obedience and if I stop preaching obedience, my conscience is quiet - excellent benchmark humility.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

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always good to see Jackie Chan in action, enjoy these videos of some of its hundreds of fighting in movies martial.
Find the best information on Jackie Chan in:

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April 26 April 24 April 25

Ibiza, April 25, 1864

By RD Ildefonso Gatell

Palau tells the missionary experience has presided in different parts of Ibiza. The neighboring villages came together to share their faith and devotion to Mary. The turnout was massive. In the end, Palau blessed the term and the cross-reminder. Before her renewed their baptismal promises. And the people were forgiven by the greeting of peace.
Published in the Journal Catholic.

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Enjoy the trailer for this movie Thai Martial Arts .

Saturday, April 23, 2011

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Paulo Tocha is an actor skilled in martial and Muay Thai , being able to compete against Thai in Thailand professional boxers. The film
martial faced Paulo Tocha Jet Li in its infancy, and also Jean Claude Van Damme in Bloodsport which gives life to fighting Paco, then had other interests in Van Damme films and other films.
Read the biography and filmography Paulo Tocha in:

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Today, master of Resurrection, and tomorrow, starting their school years in the parish of St. Augustine, at six o'clock. The conference will be explained in lessons 15 and 16 of the Catechism of the Virtues . In the expository sermon As sacred history tells us in order to the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Catechism , reading. 15). Francisco Palau, Fr. ( or 27 March 1853)

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I invite you to meet new actors and actresses of the film martial, as well as biographies and filmographies of the stars who are legends of Martial Arts .
All of them are here:

Friday, April 22, 2011

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Holy Saturday ; ; ; ;

had more than four thousand years of hell were opened voracious flames enveloping among thousands of souls condemned by the guilt of heaven closed, the sons of men subject to the prince of darkness that had beaten them, the demons worshiped under the monstrous figures of the ugliest passions, the throne of God inaccessible. A young man, consumed by the heat of charity, is proposed in the mood to change the face of the moral world calls salvation, asking and waiting, waiting and get it. By faith, hope and charity of Mary owe our salvation. Praise her! (MM. days 7).

Desde su Inmaculada Concepción hasta la encarnación, sufrió porque nos veía sin redención. Bajado a su seno puro y virginal el Redentor, sufrió la persecución por causa de su Hijo. Muerto Jesús, sufrió la persecución que vino sobre la Iglesia, recién nacida, y sufrió con igualdad de alma hasta la muerte y sufrió por nosotros un martirio espiritual que duró toda su vida, y le sostuvo con un ánimo siempre grande, varonil y heroico. (MM. día 20)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

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April 23 April 21 April 22

Viernes Santo                                                                                              

Jesus came to the holy mountain of Calvary, took off all his clothes, returned to put on his head the crown of thorns and set it with thick nails on the cross opening in his body four rivers of blood, and he rose in the air like a trophy of victory against him thought they had achieved. Judge O saint! Hell has opened in the mystical body of Jesus, the Church of Spain, such and such deep wounds that unless relief comes soon from on high, will bleed, to expire and be buried. But observe how Jesus opens his real body balm four sources of cure. Oh precious balm! Oh effective and only medicine to heal the wounds of my grieving mother!. (Lu. 71).

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

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Holy Thursday: the washing of the feet.

The Eternal Word, the Son of God, sitting on top of heaven, move, rules and governs all that is more sublime and more vile, more powerful and weaker, stronger and thinner, either in heaven or under the earth or the earth adheres to a towel and knelt to the plants of twelve men, idiots, the low rabble, the poor and rude people, wash their feet, gets up, sits back down on the table and says, "I came not to be served, but to be your servant. You know perhaps what I do? You call me Master, Lord, I am indeed. If I, being your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet, I have given an example to do what you have seen me do. "

School of Virtue, tomorrow at three o'clock in the afternoon in point begin as the role of the sink under the order and según las ceremonias prescritas por la Iglesia; cantado el Evangelio, el director de la Escuela, ceñido de una toalla, lavará los pies a los doce representantes de las doce jerarquías, a las que están agregados en coros todos los alumnos. A este acto seguirá el sermón sobre la cena, que predicará el mismo que ha lavado los pies a sus alumnos. El director de la Escuela. Francisco Palau, pbro. (Escritos p. 1434).

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

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Abril 20 de 1871                                                                                      

El lujo y la miseria son los factores que hoy contrapone el Ermitaño . El lujo no sólo arruina a las familias consumiendo su fortuna sino que esclaviza a las personas y enflaquece su espíritu. Es un alarde, excesivo, de amor propio. La actual sociedad se encuentra dominada por él. Sin embargo Dios ama la pobreza. Es el pensamiento de un sabio.

Monday, April 18, 2011

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April 19 April 20 April 18

Escuela de la virtud vindicada                                                                                     

The Hope the number that corresponds to 19 April of that year, 1854, said: "Since we saw in the Gazette the accusation hurled a pious association attributing an active and directly in the recent riot in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhoping that the opponents of religious societies exploit the cause and ruling fulminated against a of them by Captain General of Catalonia. But we did not believe that none reached the point of wanting, as The Tribune, to take advantage of this new mine tailings, trying them go through mineral rich.

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Reflections on Wu De: "smart" and "capable"

There are people who show their intelligence sharing with others, the product of his reflection, his search of work.
And there are other "smart" are the ones who
to demonstrate their intelligence, need another read, or do, something stupid.
are the ones who always start their intelligent overflow from some Freudian slip, or some other nonsense.
For me, the intelligence would be in intensive care, whether to come to light necessary always an idiot (or what the intelligent considered an idiot).
but if you look, where you look, you see this kind of being "smart." A scavenger bird species, which is expected someone falling to emerge smart.


In the Martial Arts, this kind of attitude is often - more than it would be desirable - for the knowledge and skill.

Very few people who weigh the benefits of their systems (combat, training, qigong, of whatever) without using reference to the incompetence, ignorance or misconduct of others.

many times have we read, heard ...

"... many are saying Qi Gong practice but very few who truly have agreed to knowledge true, beware of malpractice etc etc etc"

"... Most of kung fu schools are limited to practicing routines empty, without content Martial (bla bla bla) only those who know the true meaning of the movements (bla bla bla)."

"... Our teacher / school / institution is the only one that truly represents the Master that, unlike others (bla blabla ...) but whose career (bla bla bla) so only superficially learned (bla bla bla) "

" Many people travel to China merely to take a picture with a teacher, not like us (bla bla bla) "

" Of all the students in a teacher, Ours is the only gained access to the true teachings, (bla bla bla) "

Sutil or ostensibly, the reference is always pondering a virtue from the failures of other . Often, the deals under a Simply put, while lacking the same occupy an entire paragraph. The flooding, the difference, asymmetry clearly shows that what is sought is to rely on the failed acts, or limitation alleged ignorance of others.

In my opinion, this is not something "innocuous" or something casual, or something that we should not pay attention.

who wish to communicate an idea, build a position, even to demonstrate knowledge should - I think - be smart enough, capable and above all, ethical, in order to communicate, promote or defend its value without belittling anyone.

Of course he has no intentions to do the "trick" to exploit the ignorance of others to move up a step, sometimes you may need, or believe relevant warning about negative things. is not "always" is wrong ... this is not meant to condemn any attitude, I just would like for us to reflect a little.

As practitioners, when we say "our art is good, or always say that" cash is not like the other "or" is better than another? "

When we talk of our teacher "often speak of their virtues or spend much time talking about how bad we are the other teachers?

As teachers declare "the benefits of our school, and we spent half the time to warn others that the environment is full of fakes and mediocre?

Eye ... as in everything, a little is good.

But if your teacher, colleague, friend ... always starts from a critical, something is very wrong.

I think at this time without escorts for caravans, or battles between schools, this time when the martial artist does not help the police fight crime ... in this modern age, ethics and personal growth (factors inherent in martial arts) should not be absent, even when the exponent is a star or an accomplished martial. Be very good or do not know much excluded from the rule of respecting others.

is at least something to think about. Greetings

Prof. Horacio Di Renzo

Sunday, April 17, 2011

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The Hermit ; ; ;

A weekly supplement to the April 18, 1872 found the obituary of P. Palau. Exclaustrated Religious Order of Mount Caramel and missionary. The wording of the Hermit, friends and acquaintances reported holding a funeral for him. Funeral to which give public testimony of affectionate love that was our beloved and unforgettable Director . (It is dated May 2, 1872)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

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Palm Sunday ; ;

Mission, Palm Sunday 1865.

We moved from one village to another, and all whole parish came to the neighbor who was waiting at the boundaries dividing the two. - I'm going with you, we go together, "said my companion. - I feel you, even without seeing. Who are you, oh beautiful dove? - I am the daughter of Reuel and daughter.

- "Are you Sara? - I'm your daughter and the daughter of God. I'm no husband here on this island because Asmodeus, that angel impure, how many young people died with a heart unworthy have dared to approach me [Tb 3.8, Sb 18.25; Rev 9.11]. Throw the evil spirit from the midst of these people!

- My daughter. You see the guns of the sons of the great prophets arrayed against him can not hold to the standard of our mission. Who are you, my child? - I'm all the parishes of Ibiza together with Christ, my Head. - Are you the Diocese of Ibiza deleted? - Yes, I am. - Poor ... how much I pity you! - Do not leave me while you live, O my father. How grateful I am for your sacrifices! ¡Oh, cuánto puede el amor de un padre!  

Friday, April 15, 2011

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April 16 April 17 April 15

Abril 16 de 1864

Dicho esto, oyóse una música celeste, y los coros respondían: «Amen, aleluya». Me quedé solo en el monte. Y al examinar mis rosarios, los hallé los mismos, pero destinados a ser en adelante las arras o señal de mi amor para con la Esposa y del amor de ésta para conmigo

Thursday, April 14, 2011

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Abril 15 de 1864                                                                                                      

The encounter with his beloved continues. And its heat the deep convictions emerge and stain color to your life: The love between them is a fait accompli. Love is confused with the works. Palau renews its delivery: live and live by it, live and die by it. Rosary and Cross are a symbol of that commitment. Then, on examination, discovered in them pledge of mutual love.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

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April 14, 1864

intuits that something important is about to happen. Therefore, let us Palau minutes of the event: their perception of Amada gains in quality. Henceforth viewed from the fullness of Mary. was covered with glory. Beautiful figure in shadow clarified .. With which indicates that despite perceptions, the darkness remains: is a mystery .. and neither will see ... while alive.