Thursday, April 1, 2010

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Kowk Grandmaster Wai Chan: 50 years of teaching in Brazil

few teachers can boast a career as Chan Wai Kowk . The threshold of 76 years old, on 3 April ... ... the few days after April 11 will be 50 years living and teaching his kung fu in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Master Chan
devoted his entire life, first to learn under the tutelage of most important teachers of his time ... and then to teach.
Kowk Wai Chan is the first Chinese teacher to teach Westerners in South America, the art of Kung Fu. He arrived in Brazil in 1960, while the rest of his family (parents and brother) continued its way north, he decided to stay in that country. That decision changed his life not only Kowk Wai Chan, but every one of now we are proud to be his students.
Brazil was home to many achievements, there married, formed a beautiful family, children and grandchildren ... built a school that today is the greatest kung fu martial Family planning: The Academia Sino Brasileira de Kung Fu . He was appointed in 2003, Citizen Paulistano (equivalent to "Distinguished Citizen" for us) and was the Community Leader of Brazil China for several years.
In all these years he was more than 100 teachers parameters under strict requirement, concerned about keeping pure martial heritage of the school. Today
disseminate and train students his art throughout the Brazilian territory, as well as in Argentina, Chile, USA, Spain and other countries.
The next April 11th, all his disciples will be present in Sao Paulo to say a gigantic THANK YOU to the generous master, in this great human being who is the GM Chan Wai Kowk.

Horacio Di Renzo


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