Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Can You Use Keratin Treatment And Kerastase


The concept of land has 2 different meanings:
1 - hereditary predisposition to certain types of diseases, a concept used in homeopathy or iridology.
2 - where the disease develops, it may be:
* PROCEDURE: Place anatomical or psychosomatic problems, poor management of emotions ...
* EXTERNAL: Ecosystem where we live.

known Land Natural Medicine is constitutional types in homeopathy:
R-CARBON ("Sancho Panza"): a short, wide head wider than long, wide and regular teeth, muscular hypertonicity with a tendency toward rigidity. Tendency to obesity and related diseases (DM, hypertension ...). Plump children predisposed to skin disorders, motor delay. Will supplement with what they lack in sharpness.

II-phosphoric ("Don Quixote"): Lean, longilinear. Prevalence of the wider front. Teeth longer than wide. Thinning trend. Joint laxity. Predisposition to diseases such as spontaneous pneumothorax, vascular diseases, emotional problems. Inconsistent. Infecc. recurrent respiratory.

III-Fluorica (Rosi de Palma "): Constitution asymmetrical, teeth irregular in shape and distribution, kyphosis, lordosis, ligamentous laxity, vein problems. Paradoxical behavior (As opposed to what he thinks).

IV-SULFURIC ("maverick") NormolĂ­neo furnished. Prone to allergic disorders. Uninhibited character. Tendency to angry reactions, excitable or hyperexcitable sexual behavior. Tendency to abuse alcohol, food. Not compromised.

V-types mixed.

These constitutions can lead to certain morbid tendencies, called homeopathic diathesis.

Health depends on personal habits and a healthy social conditioning. Maintaining a harmonious field is a matter of individual responsibility. There are three principles that facilitate the maintenance of health: positive mental attitude, healthy diet and exercise.


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