Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Libby Libby Short Financial Exercise Answers


The liver, located in the right upper quadrant is the largest internal organ of the body. Performs many functions vital to our organization: removes toxic substances through the bile, produces cholesterol (an essential part of all cell membranes), involved in the formation of various hormones ...

Traditional Chinese Medicine looks at the body beyond its anatomophysiological aspects. Considered a complex interactive system, dependent on internal and external afferents and in turn, determining the same, in most cases.

Thus, the liver governs the tendons, open to the outside through the eyes and manifests in the nails. His station is the spring, the element wood, the color cyan, acid taste, his emotion of anger and its movement is expansive.

main functions
- permeable and unclog the pipes so that it can flow, disseminate and distribute the Qi, the loss of this function is often expressed as a psycho-affective disorders and / or digestive disorders
- store the blood refers to the regulation of circulating blood volume according to the needs of the moment

The liver is the organ that quickly altered, either by internal or external causes, but also the more easily recovered. Emotional blockage is usually rare, but poor eating habits are behind him. Some of the most common symptoms are: nausea, heavy and slow digestion, bloating (especially in the afternoon), migraine or temporofrontal ...

As I mentioned before, the spring is the season par excellence of the liver, making it a good time to debug it and strengthen it, whether they have symptoms or not, since it is a very sensitive organ and virtually all what we overloading during the year.

general dietary advice
- making every day an infusion of bitter plant to get up (milk thistle, Boldo, Artichoke, fumaria ...)
- breakfast:
* a cup of liquid from carrots, celery and apple juice (unsweetened)
* overcooked cereal grains with 1 tablespoon lightly toasted sesame seeds and 1 tablespoon of toasted nori seaweed flakes (you can add "milk" rice, quinoa, kamut ... and sweetened with molasses, rice, barley or apple juice concentrate)
- begins the meal with 1 tablespoon of some sprouts (alfalfa, radishes ...) and one without vinegar fermented food (sauerkraut, olives ...)
- eliminated from your diet: meat, eggs, milk, sugar, pastries, bread, excess salt, canned food, coffee, black tea and alcohol for at least one month
- uses pulses, tofu, seitan, tempeh , fish as protein intake
- recommended cereals: barley, brown rice, long grain, quinoa and millet
- more vegetables Recommended: turnips, beets, radishes, artichokes, asparagus ...
- add some mushrooms to your dishes: mushrooms, shitake ...

early dinner and sleep is as important as eating right.


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