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Traditional Chinese Medicine (1 ª part)


MTC MTC is a theoretical and practical nature of prevention and holistic healing. Born in China over 4,000 years ago and over time has been spreading and spreading throughout the world. Its starting point is a fundamental axiom: the human being is a microcosm and, as such, their individual existence is inseparable total cosmic life .

health and illness are conceived in terms of energy, connected and integrated.

is known about 500,000 years ago, humans lived in the valley of the Huang He (China) that carried out medical practice. These first "Chinese doctors" began to establish a tradition of healing plants and carried out the first successes in the field of acupuncture and surgery.

During the Shang dynasty (1764-1121 BC), medical knowledge made exceptional progress. There is evidence in the writings referred to concepts such as "microorganisms in blood."

The next dynasty, Zhou (1027-256 BC) saw the birth of the concepts of yin-yang and the 5 processes elementary and make it available to the healing arts. The strengthening of the lunar calendar, physicians associated with certain diseases attributed to 6 seasons and weather conditions (cold, wind, heat, humidity, dryness and fire) the causes of the disease. During this period, see the light of 2 classics oldest and most revered of the MTC:

• Huang Di Nei Jing (Internal Classic of Yellow Emperor's medicine) covers virtually all aspects: philosophy of medicine, acupuncture, therapeutic principles, ecology, ...

• Ben Cao Jing Shen Nong (Grand classic medicinal plants); contains 365 remedies classified into 3 categories: superior (toning), medium (healing) and lower (severe treatments, very toxic)

Both books are compilations of existing medical knowledge to moment by anonymous.

The golden age of TCM is that corresponding to the Han (202 BC-221 AD) and Tang (618-906 AD). During the 1st period, writes Zhang Zhong Jing Shan Han Lun treaty (Treaty of noxious cold), considered the soul of the MTC. Sets the diagnostic methods of the meridians 6 and 8 diagnostic rules: yin-yang, cold and heat, exterior-interior, empty-full. He also created 8 therapeutic methods: sweating, purging, vomiting, harmonization, cooling, warming, toning and dispersion.

figure also appears Huang Tuo, considered as the 1st surgeon who used anesthesia for surgery (oral anesthetic like cooking: Ma Fei San). He is considered the father of Tai Chi (he created the game of the 5 animals: Wu Qin Xi) and is also a great acupuncturist (is named the points of the spine: Hua Tuo Jia Ji).

Between 220-589 AD, it begins to enter Buddhism in China. Period marked by the Taoist alchemy contributed to the pharmacology of the time. Wang Shu He wrote the treaty of pulses Mai Jing, typifying 24 pulses other than those attributed to different pathologies. The physician Huang Fu Mi writes the treaty will be the ABC of acupuncture and moxibustion: Zhen Jia Yi Jin Jing, setting the 12 main meridians plus 8 extra channels. 360 pts determines and explains acupuncture needle manipulation technique, pts allowed, ...

The 2 nd period is noted for the exceptional level achieved by surgery and major achievements in the advancement of the pharmacopoeia and therapy of injuries and Fx. Time height of the civilization of the Chinese culture. Starts organization creating medical education lectures (Taiyi Shu) from where the Tai Yi (professors). These chairs are made of 2 sections: medicine (internal medicine, acupuncture-moxibustion, Tui Na massage and spell-psych.) And pharmacy (a botanical garden with medicinal plants).

During the 2 following dynasties, the Song (960-1279) and Yuan (1280-1368), continued to progress. In the 1st period T appears in the 3 rd causes:
2. internal (factors related pathogens with 7 emotions)
3. exhaustion, trauma, ...

The figure of Wang Wei Yi doctor who was a great acupuncturist. Used for classes, life-size bronze statues to which carved natural acupuncture points. The water filled and covered her with wax, so that students could practice. He wrote the "Manual of the points of acupuncture and moxibustion as the man of bronze."

During the Ming period (1368-1644), appears a great encyclopedia, which devotes a large section to medicine: Yong Le Da Dian. The figure of Li Shi Zheng who writes a great deal of pharmacopoeia reviewing ancient texts: Ben Cao Gan Mu, studies pulsología: Hu Mai Xue Ping setting 28 types of pulse and the "treaty of the 8 curious meridians."

In the twentieth century, during the Communist government, trying to unite the 2 medicines, East / West (during the First Opium Gerra s and afforded some level of contempt for the imperial court of Medicine China) . Medical universities proliferate, both single-and the other branch. It starts at the request of WHO, to provide MTC with foreigners, especially, acupuncture.


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