Saturday, October 16, 2010

Loving Care Hair Color

(2 PART)

There are thousands of varieties of algae that have different qualities according to their original habitat (Pacific Ocean, Atlantic ...), but only 50 species are edible.

I will focus on those that from my personal point of view and nutrition, are more relevant.

are classified into 3 main groups according to color pigments that give it its:
1. green algae: water grow usually sweet, warm and cold. We find them in shallow water. Pe sea lettuce
2. brown algae, are almost exclusively marine. They grow in cold water and average depth. Are larger. Pe cochayuyo
3. red algae, are mainly marine and grow in warm and deep. Pe dulse

Another way to classify it according to the type of water they inhabit:
1. salted seaweed. Pe nori, wakame, kombu ...
2. fresh algae. Consumed in tablet form, usually, and in a timely manner as "food-drug." Pe chlorella, spirulina, and Klamath .

Algae most commonly used in cooking
is the richest in iodine so that you can eat happily. It is a very mineralizing algae because it contains significant amounts of calcium and iron and B vitamins and provitamin A.

For glutamic acid content softens the fibers of other plants, and alginic acid content is a great cleaner for our intestines.

indispensable Use: Always cook the vegetables with a piece of kombu to improve digestibility.

High in calcium. It is the richest in vitamins of group B.

Activates circulation and balances the nervous system. It also softens the fibers of the food being cooked with it.

Stresses its protein content. By far, that provides more iron. High in potassium, vitamin C and some B vitamins

very useful in combating anemia. Diuretic effect.

Like kombu, has lots of iodine. Rich in protein, iron and calcium.

Da elasticity to the cardiovascular system. It is used to treat anemia. Hizikia

The richest in calcium. Highlights his contribution in iron and vitamins B3, B9 and B12.

Very interesting for the treatment of osteoporosis, pregnant women, children and vegans.

Stresses its protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A, C and Group B.

Useful to remove fatty deposits and improve digestibility.

is rich in minerals, but not as much as before.

laxatives and cleansing properties.

Rich in protein, iron and vitamin C.

diuretic effect due to its high potassium content. Treatment of anemic, fatigue, lymphatic and circulatory disorders.

Stresses their protein, iodine, calcium, sodium, iron and fiber.

is not recommended if you suffer from hypertension, kidney or heart problems because of its high sodium content.

Very popular in weight loss diets to contain plenty of fiber (satiating capacity), but in people with a tendency to retain fluids, not a good idea.

Algae, energy level, are contractionary (Yang effect), buffers and refreshing.

Ideally, if your health permits, regularly consumed at each meal and to vary with frequency of algae to take advantage of its various benefits. If you want to use to balance our body, we should be more careful in choosing which varieties to consume.


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