Monday, August 16, 2010

How To Synister Gates Hairstyle

Mantis: Luo Guangyu beng bu and how Grandmasters

This video was published on YouTube, is a real gem. Because we can see picture by picture, the Grand Master of Seven Star Mantis Lu Kuan Yu (Lou Guanyu) making the basic shape of the style: Peng Pu.
Lu Kuan Yu was a master of, among others, Grandmaster Wong Hon Fun , known in Hong Kong "The Mantis King."
Hon Wong Fun has been the master of Mantis Kowk Wai Chan.
Fortunately, Wong Hon Fun has released all forms of style in a remarkable collection of books that serves to make eternal testimony of this style and the branch of Lu Kuan Yu.
But it's not so easy to get the book from which these photos you see in the video.
Hope you enjoy, do not always have the chance to see masters of two generations, performing a kind of kung fu at a time when the world was different.


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