Friday, February 19, 2010

Bonham Carter Lady Jane Beaten

the Chinese martial art improves and extends Tui Shou

Much has been talked about the value of practice wushu (in all its forms) to improve physical fitness, psychomotor skills to preserve, develop a healthy body and mind ... see here and there, Chinese Teachers 60, 70, 80 or more years doing things that are not thought possible at that age.
In 99 percent of cases, it is teachers or eastern practitioners. It matters little if they are great teachers, instructors or single practitioners. In this respect, are much higher than most of us.
There are several reasons for this extraordinary ability is maintained even at an advanced age. One of them is undoubtedly the ability to practice without undue East questions or pretensions, heeding the advice of your teacher and not find something else to get Kung Fu.
We lost in a sea of \u200b\u200bmediocrity, waste energy talking about the effectiveness of this or that school is better than another is not ... while others quietly, just practice every day.
A determination intact, a good teacher and practice daily, can lead us to make real miracles in our health and quality of life.
Here is an example, the Master Sun Zhi Jun, and its enviable ability and physical martial. See what the domain of art.

strike more comments, I will retire and leave you with the video ...

Good Practice!
Horacio Di Renzo

Visit Web Kai Men


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