Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How Long For Silicone Glue To Dry?

Grandmaster Ma Yueh Liang

If one wants to progress in kung fu, must inevitably, turning their sights on the Great Teachers.
Today, thanks to advances in communications, we can observe important exponents of the art in the comfort of our homes
Today I present to Ma Yueh Liang (1901 - 1998) who as you know, lived 97 years, and was an essential reference style TAI CHI CHUAN WU. Medical
profession, Ma Yueh Liang devoted his life to the practice and dissemination of Tai Chi. He traveled the world teaching classes and is one of the most famous masters of the last century.
Having practiced in his youth external styles such as Shaolin Chuan Pao, etc ... in his father, Wu Jian Quan, the teacher who would guide to the Masters. Wu Ma requires him to leave everything I had learned, to devote himself exclusively to the practice of Taijiquan Wu.
Following that decision, and a sustained training hard all his life, Ma became one of the leading masters of Kung Fu.
Personally, every time I look at this giant move or speak, I was seized by a strange emotion. Besides being a person of humility
incredible, it was a great truth.
is very interesting to see in motion.

comment is usually among people who knew very well that their sensitivity to the vital energy (Qi) was outstanding. It is said that in deciding whether someone taught him first "watching" their energy and then took his decision. Some students came to tell that Ma used to tell when one of them without any movement by any outside energy was doing some practice.

Your Tui shou was of the highest level, and those who were lucky enough to get in touch with your arms left a testimony of his amazement at the immense skill, smoothness as well as tremendous power of the Master.

We can see some of it in this other video:

is extremely important to use the privilege of having videos like this. Learn Kung Fu requires the guidance of a true master, but the cultivation of art is our path and watch the other Masters siemrpe will give us good examples and inspiration.
can not always access the kung fu of a person who practiced for 80 years. There are few true teachers in any discipline that we address.
We at the Bulletin Kai Men try to select for you those documents which we consider essential. It is very important to know who devoted their lives to the cultivation of art, as Ma Yueh Liang.

Good practice!

Horacio Di Renzo

Visit Web Kai Men

Friday, February 19, 2010

Bonham Carter Lady Jane Beaten

the Chinese martial art improves and extends Tui Shou

Much has been talked about the value of practice wushu (in all its forms) to improve physical fitness, psychomotor skills to preserve, develop a healthy body and mind ... see here and there, Chinese Teachers 60, 70, 80 or more years doing things that are not thought possible at that age.
In 99 percent of cases, it is teachers or eastern practitioners. It matters little if they are great teachers, instructors or single practitioners. In this respect, are much higher than most of us.
There are several reasons for this extraordinary ability is maintained even at an advanced age. One of them is undoubtedly the ability to practice without undue East questions or pretensions, heeding the advice of your teacher and not find something else to get Kung Fu.
We lost in a sea of \u200b\u200bmediocrity, waste energy talking about the effectiveness of this or that school is better than another is not ... while others quietly, just practice every day.
A determination intact, a good teacher and practice daily, can lead us to make real miracles in our health and quality of life.
Here is an example, the Master Sun Zhi Jun, and its enviable ability and physical martial. See what the domain of art.

strike more comments, I will retire and leave you with the video ...

Good Practice!
Horacio Di Renzo

Visit Web Kai Men

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Monster Energy Logo Belly Ring


H oday, with so much information, videos, etc. available to the public, it is important that teachers have garnered some knowledge provides some guidance to students in order to avoid being misled by the pseudo-knowledge of Chinese martial art.
One of the topics where skills are most abundant false is the Tui Shou.
In youtube, there are many videos where some assumptions Teachers make use of internal energy (Qi) to literally blow their students, sometimes without even touching them.
Beyond the obvious simplicity of the proposal, many people believe what you see without further analysis, while others fortunately, tend to consult on the subject to know what's true in these demonstrations.
Other times, we see people who, judging by what they have accomplished, it is obvious that they have re-invented the Tui Shou by have not learned from a master. Have investigated and come to conclusions themselves, some good, some not.
In order to clarify doubts and uncertainties want to share this beautiful video I've found, I call "True Tui shou."
is an old tape that we see two exponents, a teacher and his student, practicing different variations of Tuishou, with total orthodoxy, using real principles, real energies running, using pure techniques, showing real skill and reveal some skills that can only be seen by eyes understood in Tai Chi Chuan.
The question is Master Fu Zhong Wen , son of Yang Chen Fu , and it is said, who really succeeded beyond the natural succession blood. When Yang Cheng-fu died, his son Yang Zhen Duo (current heir to the style) had only eight years. Fu Zhong Wen taught him the art, but because of traditional customs, was Yang, his student, who was named heir. Fu Zhong Wen
has always been far superior to Yang Zhen Duo and martial circles has always been known that he was the great inheritor of Yang Chen Fu.
This film is accompanied by his son Fu Zhen Yuan.

Some of the points to which I invite you to consider are:

    Fu Zhong Wen
  • shows at all times that their "kicks" are false, the intent is always directed towards although progress appears to back down.
  • ability thrusts are extremely thin, are very real and Fa jing and used right direction and time to move your opponent.
  • never stops them low elbows, shoulders depressed, the right column relaxation.
  • etc etc etc. There is an excellent combination of "vertical circle" and "horizontal circle" so that when you can not perform the first back to deflect the attack without moving. Baghlan
these comments to help the reader to see, understand and recognize what is genuine, and separate it from what it claims but it is Tui Shou.

Professor Horacio Di Renzo