Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ethernet Cord Walmart


winter miso soup
Ingredients (4 people):
• 1 onion, finely chopped • 1 carrot
crescents cut
• 1 turnip cut in half moons
• 4 tablespoons brown rice grain cooked short
• 1 piece of wakame seaweed about 5cm (soak 15 ', drain and chop)
• 1 tablespoon olive oil
• 1 scoop of miso mugi
• 1-2 slices of ginger chopped fresh chives

Sauté onion with oil and a pinch of salt for 5'-7 '. Add the vegetables, wakame, ginger and cover with water.
Boil about 15'-20 'to a simmer.
Dilute the miso with a little of the cooking juices and add to soup along with rice. Continue cooking 2'-3 'most do not boil. Remove the ginger after
squeeze over the soup.
Serve with a little sprinkling of chives over each serving. Properties

• Remineralizing and alkalizing
• Tones
• Helps digestion • Helps the regeneration of intestinal flora
• Helps maintain a stable body temperature on cold days

Ideal as breakfast for those who get up very tired and cold.

is not advisable to take it at night and would have a blocking effect on kidney energy.


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