Tuesday, September 9, 2008

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The Ba Duan Jin is known, among others, as The Eight Pieces of Silk Brocade , The Eight Jewels or The Eight Pieces of Brocade Dorado.Es one of Chi Kung exercises older. This lobbying for the passage of time are developed different ways of realizarlos.Debido to the simplicity of these exercises have a special value as exercises that we shall be the way to other Chi Kung exercises more complicated. His practice improves our internal organs and our proper energy flow and circulation as well as our muscles and joints, as a result improves our health. His practice is beneficial for everyone, but particularly for people who lleba time doing exercises or older or who are recovering from accidents or Ba Duan Jin enfermedades.El you should consider a whole, ie, you must practice the exercises that comprise eight followed one after another, although in some cases can be practiced by separados.Siempre should be an even number of times. The number of repetitions depends on the person, but as a rule must take into account not force their practice beyond our means. The following description of the eight pieces of brocade foot adapts to the simple form published by the National Sports Commission of China:

1. Hold up the sky with his hands regulates the three homes.
2. Pointing to a distant eagle invigorates the waist and kidneys.
3. Their hands off regulating the spleen and stomach.
4. Shaking his head and buttocks balance dissolve the fire of the heart.
5. Looking back five weaknesses and prevents the seven wounds.
6. Touching the feet with both hands invigorates waist and kidneys.
7. Clenched fists and flaming eyes increase muscle strength.
8. Rising on toes regulates the six major meridians.

The Ba Duan Jin, or "The 8 Pieces of Silk Brocade" were created by the legendary General Yue Fei with the intention of improving the health of their soldiers. Although initially consisted of 12 exercises, at Over the years went on to record only 8. General Yue Fei was born in 1103, in Tang Yin Hsien, Henan province, during the course of the Northern Sung dynasty (960-1127). At birth, an event occurred that changed his life. A large bird flew over the roof of his house and began making a loud noise. The father to hear that this event heralded the omen was somewhat turbulent. But motivated by his son, decided to name him Fei, which means flying, seeking to doom your child to reach the highest levels and noble as a man. Proved to be an extraordinary soldier. His great wisdom, courage and martial prowess made him climb to generally reach only 6 years. When he took command instituted a program of systematic training in martial arts to his soldiers. Although there are some martial arts training, Yue Fei was the first to introduce wushu (kung fu) in the military as a basic prerequisite for the fight. After a while, the troops of Yue, known as Jar Chun Yue (Yue Family Troops), became a highly effective combat units and competent. Not only has the merit of being the creator of the 8 jewels, but also was the creator of kung-fu style "Eagle Claw (Ying Chao) and" Mind Boxing "(Hsing-I) . In addition to being considered one of the wisest and bravest heroes in the history of China, in peacetime was a great scholar of Chinese classics and poetry. When he died, Emperor Xiao Zong gave a new name to symbolize what it always was and always will be, Yue Wu Mu Yue virtuoso and respected warrior. " The Ba Duan Jin Taoist, entered the Shaolin Monastery from a text known as Sheng She Yaoyi. In the Temple became known as Yi Jin Jing Duan Jin Shi'ar (12 years in the classic silk processing tendons). In 1854, a man named Wang Zu-Yuan, who lived for 3 months in Shaolin, saw this text and recognized him Taoist exercises Ba Duan Jin. Renewed the text and published the Nei Gong Tushuo (explanations and graphics of internal exercise.) From here you extracted the 8 foot exercises that have been passed almost intact to this day. The Ba Duan Jin standing (there is another set sitting) became very famous after 1926, when WC Wang and Sun-Hoh Gun published it in his newspaper of Shanghai, causing a furor unique among the Tai Chi and Wushu. Everyone talked about it and included in their curriculum of martial arts. Hence his fame. In the decade of the 30 and 40 there was a group of related Taoist alchemical tradition and energy, who published two papers with poems, explanations, methodologies, etc. on studies "immortality" directed by Chen Ying-Ning, a Taoist master. Anyway, he became so famous that it was said that practicing Qi Gong Mao Ze-Dong and Zhou En-Lai. In fact it was one of the first exercises rehabilitated in the late 50's, but stripped of its contents Taoist and adapted to China's socialist message of the moment. There are many variations of the 8 years, especially their manner of walking, which is also the most popular. The show here is that the traditional version. This way of practicing the 8 jewels remained in the practice of Tai Ji Yang Family. We must try to understand the intent of each exercise. If we understand this intention will understand any of its variants, and its implementation will be effective. The practice of each of them requires relaxation, smoothness and degree of perfection. Breathing should be light and accompany the movements. Each exercise must be repeated a fixed number of times according to the planning session, which can be 6, 12, 24 or 36 repetitions.
you have the following items in the description of each exercise along with videos and then you can see the series plus a year of entrance and one exit.

Monday, September 8, 2008

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1. Hold up the sky with his hands regulates the three homes.
rested a moment in the Wu Chi position (empty). Stand with feet shoulder width apart and hips tilted slightly, aided by a slight bending of the legs. Smile from the heart (figuratively) and we become aware of our center of gravity four fingers below the navel. We crouched slightly, his back straight while keeping their buttocks. Hands crossed in front of the abdomen with the palms facing upward. We raise both hands and body. Breathing down to the abdomen. The lungs fill ascend while vacuuming. When you reach the chest palms turn to us for guidance to the sky. We raised palms while we raise the heels. Finally hold the sky fully extended, while sinking the toes on the ground. Care that, by raising hands, come to be at right angles in relation to the arms and the arms are straight. Relax the muscles of the shoulders, arms and neck. The pelvis must be tilted and the back straight. We intend to push up and open your arms slowly to the side as if you were a bird spreading its wings in a large circle, while emptying the lungs exhale slowly up and down the pace of the arms. Repeat this exercise a set number of times, 6, 9, 12, 24, 36 according to the planning session. Breathing should never be enforced so that the velocity of exercise will depend on your breath and not otherwise. This exercise activates the circulation of the triple heater (Sanjiao), a body defined in the MTC, without physical correspondence, designed to aggregate and distribute the energy (Qi) in the body. The triple burner has three areas or boilers, the burner is located above the diaphragm and breathing related to the burner means, located in the stomach and digestive-related, and the lower burner located in the pelvic area and related with elimination. At the level of developed breathing breathing complete, abdominal, thoracic and clavicular. We also do a stretching of the connective tissue that holds the internal organs receiving a gentle massage, and noticed as blockages are released by the accumulated tension, thanks to the integral of bones, tendons, muscles and organs. There is an easier way to do this exercise. We start from a standing position and raise their hands by the sides to face the fingertips over his head. The dolls abroad. Do not raise your feet or fingers crossed.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

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2. Pointing to a distant eagle invigorates the waist and kidneys. We go to the left and bend your knees to take the position of a rider. Keep right upper body, thighs parallel to floor. Rotated pelvis, spine stays straight, without bending the lumbar vertebrae. Knees must not go beyond the toes, otherwise we can do us harm. Inhale and bend both arms to the body at chest level, right on the outside. Extend the index finger and thumb of his left hand and close the other fingers. Pushed to the left with your left hand and raise your right elbow to the right; keep our eyes fixed on the left hand and right elbow to shoulder height. The right hand bend the bow. The look through the index pointing into the distance. Just turn the neck and head. The torso remains facing front. The waist does not turn. The movements of the body parts must be coordinated and have a certain symmetry. (Breath) We return to the center, arms crossed, but this time the left forearm on the outside. At the same time raise your knees to almost stretch. We continue with the exercise right, symmetrically. Chain multiple repetitions on the left and right. This exercise improves breathing and circulatory functions. By the movement of arms and index finger extension, the exercise invigorating the meridians of the lungs and large intestine. Invigorate the kidney Qi and special dai mai meridian passing through the ming men.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

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3. Their hands off regulating the spleen and stomach We start from the initial position, Wu Chi. (Inhale) We place the hands, parallel to the height of the stomach in front of us. Palms facing. (Exhale) Separate hands: one rises above the head, palm up, fingers pointing toward the opposite shoulder, the other down, palm facing down to left arm at side, palm facing the front. We lift our gaze to the hand that is above your head. (Inhale) put their hands back to the height of the stomach, but reversing the position of the first, to separate the exhale changing the position symmetrical. We feel that hands push something that offers some resistance, but without putting excessive strain muscles. This exercise regulates the Qi of the stomach, pancreas and spleen. Decreases stomach yang and yin of the spleen increases. Improves digestion, transit and circulation.

Friday, September 5, 2008

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4. Shaking his head and buttocks balance dissolve the fire of the heart.
We go to the left and bend your knees to take the position of a rider. Put your hands in the hollow of the English, thumbs backward. Bend the trunk forward to the horizontal. The back must be straight. (Inhale) the trunk describes an arc of a circle to the left, while the body weight load on the left leg remains flexed, while the right stretches, the right shoulder turns back to stretch the whole right side, left arm remains bent and the right stretch while the right hand rises somewhat. The head, trunk and right leg are online, the view looks to the right toe, but the head is tilted. Maintain the position for a moment. (Breathe) We return to the center to repeat the same exercise to the other side. As you inhale, the lung on the side corresponding to the bent leg absorbs the "fire of the heart." When exhaling, the fire and cooled by the lungs is expelled to the outside. This exercise "reduces the yang and nourishing yin, calms the body and spirit. Suitable for states of stress.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

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5. · Back look back prevents five weaknesses and wounds seven.
We start from the initial position, Wu Chi to which we returned after last year. (Breathe) Without turning the waist or chest, head back to the left as we can, then, when we reached the limit of cervical rotation, the long column with throwing left shoulder back, but without the pelvis accompany that movement. We ended up with a slight rotation of the hips to the left to allow the light is directed backward. The head has swiveled perfectly vertical, the horizontal gaze turns toward the infinite, and described a precise angle of 180 ยบ (exhale). Return slowly to starting position, the eyes always following in front of the motion, it shall be in first rectifying the pelvis, then the shoulders and finally the neck. We exercise the same right. In the initial position during inhalation and the concentration is fixed at dantien. As we become breathe the air and the concentration goes from dantien the hui yin and then the yong quan. The Spirit leads the Qi. Qi dantien derive ground in order to remove the contaminated qi five weaknesses (diseases of the five organs: liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys affected by climatic wind energy, heat, humidity, dryness or cold, or dietary tastes sour, bitter, sweet, spicy or salty) and the five wounds (the seven basic emotions: anger, excessive joy, sorrow, sadness, despair, fear and panic).

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6. Touching the feet with both hands waist and invigorates the kidneys. Starting from the initial position we crouched slightly, his back straight while keeping their buttocks. (Inhale) Raise your arms laterally above the head to face the palms. We turn the palms forward. The mind goes to the hui yin (perineum). The back straight is to be maintained by retroversion of the pelvis. (Exhale through the mouth) hands down with his arms outstretched in front of the body to grab the toes (if necessary bend the knees). Straight in the same line of arms and hands. We pulled slightly from the toes. We focus on chang qiang (tip of the coccyx), back straight to allow the flow of energy to bai hui (crown of the head, its upper end located on an imaginary line joining the two ears). (Inhale) We raise the body and let rest your hands on the kidneys, we focus on Ming Men (at the back between the kidneys). (Exhale) Stretch your torso back slightly while lifting his eyes to the sky and exhale with your mouth open. Jing vital energy is stored in the kidney region, ming men point. Concentration went on to ming men, and chang qiang hui yin, which is described as "rely on their place of residence and cause low"

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

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Exercise 6 Exercise 7 Exercise 8

7. Clenched fists and flaming eyes increase muscle strength. We go to the left and bend your knees to take the position of a rider. Keep right upper body, thighs parallel to floor. Rotated pelvis, maintains column straight, without bending the lumbar vertebrae. Knees must not go beyond the toes, otherwise it can hurt us. (Inhalation) Bend the arms to the body at the waist, fists clenched with the back of the hand down and relaxed. The view looks toward the forehead, eyes wide open. (Exhale) deployed the left arm forward while we press your fist, the circle formed by thumb and forefinger stares at the sky. The tight grip strength and fierce eyes focused on the imaginary skyline. The muscles of the face, neck and shoulders must be relaxed. Repeat the movement with the right fist. (Inhalation) Relax the eyes and fists while the arm returns to the waist. (Breath) We deploy the right arm. The liver qi "enlarges and displays the yin yang." Regulating the power generated from previous years transmitted to the muscles.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

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8. Rising on toes regulates the six major meridians. We start from the starting position. Keep properly aligned body and head. (Inhalation) We rise gradually over the toes pushing the top of the skull into the sky. Reflected the chin to the neck. (Exhale) Descend without coming to support the plant in the ground. We climb back up to seven times. This counts as one cycle. You can start with the repetition of three cycles and arrive at nine. At the end it may be desirable to stretch the twins. To do raise some one leg and stretch the toes towards us as much as we can, releasing the heel forward. Then do the same with the other leg. Distributes the energy throughout the body.

add one last year to end the series.