Sunday, December 26, 2010

Pitchures Of Male Genitals


Cereals are a group of plants within a broader grass. Its main feature is that its seed and its fruit are almost the same thing: the cereal grains.

Every culture and geography of the planet, consuming a particular type of cereal creating, around them, a whole food culture. In Europe, the most consumed is wheat, in America, corn, and in Asia, of course, rice, and Africa, are sorghum and millet.

Although all grains are common nutritional properties, each variety has characteristics own worth knowing. VARIETIES

is the most consumed cereal. There are nearly 10,000 varieties, depending on weather and soil where it is grown.

contributes 7% protein, but is deficient in lysine (an essential amino acid). It is rich in selenium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins B (B1, B2, B3, B9 ...) and vitamin E. It contains no gluten.

cereal is more balanced and better assimilation, making it very suitable for people of all ages. By not allowing metabolic waste, it is very useful in healing diets. Also has a hypotensive effect.

basmati rice has more vitamins and minerals than other varieties.

energy level, distinguish between long grain rice, more suitable for summer, the average grain to eat mainly in spring and autumn, and short grain, much more suitable for our winter dishes. CORN

corn grains have a protein content between 8-10%, but are low in lysine and tryptophan, two essential amino acids. It contains no gluten.

cereal is the most Yin, so we should leave for the summer. Counter

heartburn and has a regulatory action of the thyroid gland. OATS

cereal is more complex chemical composition. In addition to starch, fat, lecithin and 6 of the 8 essential amino acids for life, contains saponin, the active ingredient which will give many of its medicinal and allow its use in cosmetics.

winter cereal is the ultimate, improves resistance to cold, although it should be avoided in the presence of mucus. It is very energetic (very rich in protein and vegetable fat: unsaturated á.g. 70% and 40% linoleic acid), making it ideal for people who develop an intense physical activity or during periods of energy deficit.

Its insoluble fiber are extremely important for proper digestion, combats constipation, cholesterol and diabetes. BARLEY

is rich in calcium, potassium and phosphorus, and vitamin A and E. Food

remineralizing, digestive, refreshing, activates the liver and suitable for the nervous. It is cleansing, diuretic and cardiac tonic. Has soothing properties, especially for digestive and urinary inflammations. MILLET

cereal is one of the most iron and magnesium contribute. Lecithin also, so it is recommended in cases of physical weakness or psychological, intellectual fatigue. Is a cereal with a low content of vitamin B3. Instead, their content of vitamins B1, B2 and B9 three times that of other cereals, making it very suitable for regeneration of the nervous system and for women pregnant or lactating. Contains silicic acid, necessary for the good of our skin, hair and nails.

not contain gluten.

cereal is the most Yang, therefore it is more typical of winter. Great alkalizing blood. PSEUDO

are some foods that, although not botanically We can say that they are grains, have very similar characteristics to them. AMARANTH

contains proteins of high biological value (has lysine and methionine, amino acids present in some cereals), hence its use reaches 74% protein (as meat is 60%). The seed occupies 30% of its weight and is rich in phosphorus, fiber, iron, calcium, potassium and vitamin E. Food

to take into account in situations of anemia, malnutrition and osteoporosis. REAL QUINOA

protein content of high biological value, as it provides all the amino acids essential. It contains no gluten. Provides significant amounts of vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B3 and folic acid.

easily digested. Has anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

winter food, but not for everyday use, because Yang is very, very contractionary, not given to very young children.

is a good remedy to eliminate excess body fluids (edema, retention ...).

Its most common use is in the form of soba noodles. OTHER GRAINS

Finally, I like to refer to this set of 4 cereals, although in reality are 2, because the buckwheat and kamut are ancient subspecies of wheat that are gaining popularity nowadays.

paddy grains are very hard and indigestible, so most recommended use is in the form of flour, bread and pasta unless we have a digestive system sufficiently "fit." RYE

thins the blood and brings flexibility to the blood vessels, making it useful in case of hypertension and vascular disease. WHEAT

cereal is one of the richest in protein. Its most common use is in the form of products: bread, pasta, bulgur, couscous and seitan.

For its high content of selenium and vitamin E, both antioxidants, it is recommended in diseases related to the increase of free radicals, such as eg cardiovascular disease. SPELT

• Compared with wheat, containing more carbohydrates, fiber, protein (biological value), vitamins B1 and B2 and some minerals such as potassium, magnesium and zinc. Your fat intake is low. It is more digestible. KAMUT

• Always taking the reference wheat contains more protein and fat, but slightly less carbohydrates. Interesting contribution of vitamins B1, B2 and B3 especially well and vitamin E and minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron. RECOMMENDATIONS

- The winter cereals themselves are: buckwheat, millet, quinoa and short grain rice. While the summer season would be maize, rice-grain, barley and oats.

- In order to benefit from their different qualities, the ideal is to make consumption varied, always taking into account what season we are.

- Do not eat fruits immediately after the intake of grains to prevent fermentation and decreased absorption of proteins that produce

- Make a good choice to use their properties and correct our physical and energetic imbalances (excess fluid, obesity, cold, heat ...).

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ethernet Cord Walmart


winter miso soup
Ingredients (4 people):
• 1 onion, finely chopped • 1 carrot
crescents cut
• 1 turnip cut in half moons
• 4 tablespoons brown rice grain cooked short
• 1 piece of wakame seaweed about 5cm (soak 15 ', drain and chop)
• 1 tablespoon olive oil
• 1 scoop of miso mugi
• 1-2 slices of ginger chopped fresh chives

Sauté onion with oil and a pinch of salt for 5'-7 '. Add the vegetables, wakame, ginger and cover with water.
Boil about 15'-20 'to a simmer.
Dilute the miso with a little of the cooking juices and add to soup along with rice. Continue cooking 2'-3 'most do not boil. Remove the ginger after
squeeze over the soup.
Serve with a little sprinkling of chives over each serving. Properties

• Remineralizing and alkalizing
• Tones
• Helps digestion • Helps the regeneration of intestinal flora
• Helps maintain a stable body temperature on cold days

Ideal as breakfast for those who get up very tired and cold.

is not advisable to take it at night and would have a blocking effect on kidney energy.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Will Someone Know If I Remove A Tag On Facebook

Mantis Mei Hua Lu

Mantis Style (Ton Lon - Tanglang) has many sub-styles, but all keep the same technical background and many forms are the same in different branches.
This way we see in the video is Mei Hua Lu (we call Moy Fah Lok Cantonese) and is a form of intermediate-advanced level, for me one of the most interesting is the style.
publish this video for students of the school who know to appreciate how, despite the fact that this version belongs to the style Taiji Meihua Tanglang, centuries of separate development have not made a dent in the sequence, which is practically it in this way and ours (Seven Stars) coming of Master Lu Kuan Yu.
taught Lu Kuan Yu Wong Hon Fan, and this Kowk Chan Wai.

I hope you like it. Greetings
Horacio Di Renzo