Monday, June 28, 2010

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Training: Train consistently

Training with Coherence.

By Horacio Di Renzo

As a teenager and was giving my first steps on the kung fu, my first teacher made us spend long periods in Pu Ma position. We were many, sometimes more than 50 people in a huge room of a club. One by one, we were beaten in our abdomen by the teacher, who took the time to check the hardening (internal and external) of their students.
In those days everything was "the hard way." Nothing was easy, even communication with the teacher. Today my students come to school and give me a kiss ... in those days and I would imagine what would have happened if I had opted for this type of "traditional greeting" ... yes, was another perspective, and those who are "veterans" we tend to think "old days were better."
Who has not daydreamed with past practice. Many are the exponents that reject the current state of kung fu, arguing that "we do not train properly." There are several that have been granted the certificate traditional kung fu fighting with the near future. Is it so?
The answer is still, as so often ... depends.
Before the world should be on current, and position our art in our society and especially within our own lives.
Today there is less time. Today objectives such as learning to fight are very attractive but difficult to specify a standard training two or three classes a week.
Today there are also enemies who do not hit or kicked, but that can undermine our health, our quality of life ... even our happiness. Should we not consider these enemies? Stress, lack of harmony in living, and many other threats, we do not expect in any dark street, but in broad daylight, every day.
may sound a little crazy, but you can not undertake any activity without first trying to place it within the context of our own life. If such activity does not serve us to be happier, we are not useless.
I believe that training must be in accordance with the objectives to be achieved by practitioners. It seems silly and even obvious, but not so in practice.
Old methods were due to the goals sought in the past: to produce a lethal warrior in the shortest time possible, in order to defend their lives, their environment, sometimes your own people.
These warriors devoted hours daily to practice today are presented as cruel, very intense. The practitioners of the past worked the bases, positions for months, because the actual fighting, any loss of balance could mean death. Hardened his body by methods such as Golden Bell, to absorb terrible blows of their opponents, who sought to kill them.
Even at that time, there were few who could master several methods and specialization emerged. A dominant wrestler "Iron Palm" other "iron head", some were soft and cotton ... none had everything, but everyone had a great kung fu.
Today, there are people who want to train as in the past, when no longer needed, nor have the time. It wants to train as a gladiator when working in a bank. It wants to be invincible when enemies use guns. It wants to dominate the domestic and the palm of iron having a life dissipated and disordered.
course, that a person who does not add that vital element which is the consistency to your workout, you can not do that art contributes to their quality of life.

think coherently

- The first thing to consider is that an art that was created to defend and preserve, we must not cause damage to the train. From this axiom, all of our training must be healthy. If we train a year, we have to get one year of health. Four years, four health. And so gradually. If the art does not help us be healthy and strong, not serve us much, and worse, will be contradicting himself.
- Second, we understand that we Essence. Our essence, our physical body responds to the law of the Tao. Your eyelids are opened, then closed to reopened. Comes the sun, the moon is hidden. Therefore: training = break. Taking care of the rest and we train well. Every day I get my Kwon students who have not slept or been drinking heavily the day before, and a large number of etceteras. Nothing wrong with an exit, or a good time, but training without rest? That little by little, be detrimental to your essence, your body, and you're getting exactly the opposite of what is sought. The fibers do not rest, weakened and injured. If you want to train hard, look after your break.
- Third, there is no use to stimulate a body that does not receive fuel. You have to eat right. Eat everything, and perspective. Caring for the food, and hydration, that our body responds to what we want done.
- Fourth, train regularly. Most college students attending the School disappear when they have to study. They do not understand how important it is to their minds, the fact that "rest of the study." Training is an invaluable way to "unplugged." If you can maintain a minimum rate of training during times of much study, I will come back better and when you have not lost months of work.
- Fifth: take care of the external appearance and internal. Many practitioners of internal styles do not even have the right column or a position aligned when they walk. Obviously not a generalization, but we're always on the "internal" or the "outside" without understanding that there are two parts of a whole. If you practice internal styles, watch your cardiovascular system and your muscles. If you practice external styles, do not forget the Qi Gong and Neigong methods that are in your art. We must learn from the lessons of the Shaolin monks, who still remain formidable in the physical, were the first to introduce Neigong and Qigong in Chinese Martial Arts.
- Sixth understand the scope and according to the time limitations and the intensity of your workout. If you train three hours a week, you can never be a champion, much less a master.
- Seventh, from the sixth point, we understand the importance of the word "management." When you have little money, you can manage it best to get more out. The same is true with training. The current practitioner, optimize practice time. You should not waste your time, because time is your most valuable asset and will not spare. You'll be surprised how better you can train with a program of work reviewed and revised.

There are many other things to ponder, but certainly the practitioner who is reading this note and realized where I was headed. If we add the share of coherence due to our training, not only made much more of our discipline but also learn a lot about us, our art and its relationship with the environment that we have to win every day.

Professor Horacio Di Renzo - Kai Men Association

Thursday, June 17, 2010

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What are free radicals?
Free radicals are atoms with an unpaired electron, making them unstable and for this reason, "attack" other molecules to stabilize, giving or gaining an electron. This makes the molecule "attacked" in turn, free radical and thus will produce chain reactions in our bodies. These chemical reactions are called oxidation and damage they cause tissues, oxidative stress.

How do they occur?
Free radicals are produced as a result of our own metabolism, but also by poor nourishment, physical stress, emotional imbalance, smoking, exposure to environmental contamination by external radiation, by drugs, disease ... and our body neutralizes by 3 enzymes: superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase.

When an imbalance between oxidative systems and antioxidant mechanisms in favor of the former, a broad variety of free radicals or decrease the rate of neutralization of these, which causes oxidative stress. Today, the most serious or degenerative diseases (obesity, atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer and neurodegenerative disorders), are related to chronic oxidative stress.

Factors affecting the maintenance of balance in our bodies
- Diet: no excesses and rich in antioxidants (fruits, vegetables, grains, olive oil ....) Reduce meat and saturated fat.
- Exercise: moderate physical activity daily.
- Healthy habits: Quit smoking, drinking in moderation and sleep well.
- Emotional state: optimism, motivation, joy, relaxation ...

Relationship between diet and free radicals
The antioxidants are found naturally in foods and Its main function is to block the damaging effect of free radicals on the body.

Best is to follow a diet of fresh, seasonal food. It should be noted that the handling, peeling, cutting and how to cook fresh food can cause a loss of vitamins and minerals of between 25-60%.

It is essential that our daily diet contains several types of antioxidants and, if necessary, take supplements containing high quality before it is too late for our health.

Main antioxidant nutrients and their sources
- Vitamin C: Fruits and vegetables and raw (currants, kiwi, citrus, strawberries, peppers, parsley, cauliflower, kale ...)
- Vitamin E: olive oil, seed oils, nuts, green leafy vegetables, wheat germ, lettuce , alfalfa ...
- Beta-carotene, fruits and vegetables that are green or red-orange-yellow (apricots, cherries, melons, peaches, pumpkins, carrots and spinach).
- Zinc: meat, offal, fish, eggs, vegetables and whole grains.
- Selenium: meats, seafood, cereals, eggs, fruits and vegetables.
- Flavonoids: cabbage family, leafy green, red and purple fruits and citrus.
- Isoflavones: soybeans, tofu and tempeh.
- Lutein: spinach, chard, avocados, broccoli, corn and egg yolk.

Monday, June 14, 2010

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the old path: Cha Quan Ma Yueh Liang

now when we see some demonstration of Kung Fu, usually have access to a number of ways, "choreography" that does not necessarily demonstrate complete knowledge of martial arts. The forms are perhaps the most kung fu have been preserved, leaving aside (at least in the West) methods of practice and the "martial flavor" of practice.
Today it is common to see in a school, good manners on the one hand, heavy fighting on the other. And in the middle, often a large empty space.
factors to consider when evaluating this trend are several. On one side is the lack of time the current practitioner, who trains two and three times a week and therefore can not address the full training.
On the other hand, there are few teachers know only in part the method of practice of the styles they have learned.
Another major reason is that many Chinese masters of the old school, are somewhat disappointed with students who lack perseverance and patience ... and therefore teach "the majority" style "washing" leaving the traditional full only one dedicated student to engage with the School and the Arts.
When a teacher teaches a form, usually in the first stage teaches the moves. Then when the student does their part, training and study, movement produced by each student giving details, explanations, that were not relevant or practical to give the beginning.
Many exponents are simply learning the movements and details have been lost simply because they have asked the teacher to learn "another way" instead of seeking better understanding of what they have learned.
As I said, the reasons are many and too numerous to enumerate. The truth is that within the great Forest Marcial, there is still everything. From Schools "light" that abound in forms and styles to groups that maintain a full and complete art.
Here's an example, a Master of Cha-style Chuan. Cha Chuan (cha quan) is a style now Like much for your vistocidad, why are many practitioners who have learned one or two forms of the same. Well then come see this video, graphic style as practiced in a very traditional school, far from empty movements abound in practical methods that define the martial aspect.
enjoy it.

Today it is common to see Chinese martial arts exponents, as part of an alleged "front" for the fact of including in their practices, elements that are clearly old . Instead of moving toward something different, are actually returning to the roots, trying to regain the lost steps of an art that is much more complex and extensive than is shown today.

In this other video you can see the "other side": a form of style, nro 4, performed with all the tics and flavors of modern Wushu, in a purely performance oriented.

Such differences are not limited to schools of Wushu (which, moreover, do what they should do) but can be seen between schools that claim " traditional ", producing a distorted picture of what the true martial art Chinese. Far from claiming
"prosecute" this happens, the intention is to "clarify" the reality show of Chinese martial art, trying to avoid default, one ends up thinking that all he has the kung fu is what shows this second video.
Each must then decide what you want to learn kung fu, this being the kickoff to find then, with straight, a teacher according to your goals. Good practice
Horacio Di Renzo
