Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Libby Libby Short Financial Exercise Answers


The liver, located in the right upper quadrant is the largest internal organ of the body. Performs many functions vital to our organization: removes toxic substances through the bile, produces cholesterol (an essential part of all cell membranes), involved in the formation of various hormones ...

Traditional Chinese Medicine looks at the body beyond its anatomophysiological aspects. Considered a complex interactive system, dependent on internal and external afferents and in turn, determining the same, in most cases.

Thus, the liver governs the tendons, open to the outside through the eyes and manifests in the nails. His station is the spring, the element wood, the color cyan, acid taste, his emotion of anger and its movement is expansive.

main functions
- permeable and unclog the pipes so that it can flow, disseminate and distribute the Qi, the loss of this function is often expressed as a psycho-affective disorders and / or digestive disorders
- store the blood refers to the regulation of circulating blood volume according to the needs of the moment

The liver is the organ that quickly altered, either by internal or external causes, but also the more easily recovered. Emotional blockage is usually rare, but poor eating habits are behind him. Some of the most common symptoms are: nausea, heavy and slow digestion, bloating (especially in the afternoon), migraine or temporofrontal ...

As I mentioned before, the spring is the season par excellence of the liver, making it a good time to debug it and strengthen it, whether they have symptoms or not, since it is a very sensitive organ and virtually all what we overloading during the year.

general dietary advice
- making every day an infusion of bitter plant to get up (milk thistle, Boldo, Artichoke, fumaria ...)
- breakfast:
* a cup of liquid from carrots, celery and apple juice (unsweetened)
* overcooked cereal grains with 1 tablespoon lightly toasted sesame seeds and 1 tablespoon of toasted nori seaweed flakes (you can add "milk" rice, quinoa, kamut ... and sweetened with molasses, rice, barley or apple juice concentrate)
- begins the meal with 1 tablespoon of some sprouts (alfalfa, radishes ...) and one without vinegar fermented food (sauerkraut, olives ...)
- eliminated from your diet: meat, eggs, milk, sugar, pastries, bread, excess salt, canned food, coffee, black tea and alcohol for at least one month
- uses pulses, tofu, seitan, tempeh , fish as protein intake
- recommended cereals: barley, brown rice, long grain, quinoa and millet
- more vegetables Recommended: turnips, beets, radishes, artichokes, asparagus ...
- add some mushrooms to your dishes: mushrooms, shitake ...

early dinner and sleep is as important as eating right.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Can You Use Keratin Treatment And Kerastase


The concept of land has 2 different meanings:
1 - hereditary predisposition to certain types of diseases, a concept used in homeopathy or iridology.
2 - where the disease develops, it may be:
* PROCEDURE: Place anatomical or psychosomatic problems, poor management of emotions ...
* EXTERNAL: Ecosystem where we live.

known Land Natural Medicine is constitutional types in homeopathy:
R-CARBON ("Sancho Panza"): a short, wide head wider than long, wide and regular teeth, muscular hypertonicity with a tendency toward rigidity. Tendency to obesity and related diseases (DM, hypertension ...). Plump children predisposed to skin disorders, motor delay. Will supplement with what they lack in sharpness.

II-phosphoric ("Don Quixote"): Lean, longilinear. Prevalence of the wider front. Teeth longer than wide. Thinning trend. Joint laxity. Predisposition to diseases such as spontaneous pneumothorax, vascular diseases, emotional problems. Inconsistent. Infecc. recurrent respiratory.

III-Fluorica (Rosi de Palma "): Constitution asymmetrical, teeth irregular in shape and distribution, kyphosis, lordosis, ligamentous laxity, vein problems. Paradoxical behavior (As opposed to what he thinks).

IV-SULFURIC ("maverick") NormolĂ­neo furnished. Prone to allergic disorders. Uninhibited character. Tendency to angry reactions, excitable or hyperexcitable sexual behavior. Tendency to abuse alcohol, food. Not compromised.

V-types mixed.

These constitutions can lead to certain morbid tendencies, called homeopathic diathesis.

Health depends on personal habits and a healthy social conditioning. Maintaining a harmonious field is a matter of individual responsibility. There are three principles that facilitate the maintenance of health: positive mental attitude, healthy diet and exercise.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Top 10 Vacuum Cleaners By Consumer Reports

Kowk Grandmaster Wai Chan: 50 years of teaching in Brazil

few teachers can boast a career as Chan Wai Kowk . The threshold of 76 years old, on 3 April ... ... the few days after April 11 will be 50 years living and teaching his kung fu in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Master Chan
devoted his entire life, first to learn under the tutelage of most important teachers of his time ... and then to teach.
Kowk Wai Chan is the first Chinese teacher to teach Westerners in South America, the art of Kung Fu. He arrived in Brazil in 1960, while the rest of his family (parents and brother) continued its way north, he decided to stay in that country. That decision changed his life not only Kowk Wai Chan, but every one of now we are proud to be his students.
Brazil was home to many achievements, there married, formed a beautiful family, children and grandchildren ... built a school that today is the greatest kung fu martial Family planning: The Academia Sino Brasileira de Kung Fu . He was appointed in 2003, Citizen Paulistano (equivalent to "Distinguished Citizen" for us) and was the Community Leader of Brazil China for several years.
In all these years he was more than 100 teachers parameters under strict requirement, concerned about keeping pure martial heritage of the school. Today
disseminate and train students his art throughout the Brazilian territory, as well as in Argentina, Chile, USA, Spain and other countries.
The next April 11th, all his disciples will be present in Sao Paulo to say a gigantic THANK YOU to the generous master, in this great human being who is the GM Chan Wai Kowk.

Horacio Di Renzo